Back pain is the second after headaches.

The appearance of pain in the back area is associated more often with the presence of diseases of the locomotor apparatus.

Some of the problems with the internal organs also may be given the back pain.

Due to the nature of back pain can be acute, pulling, pain, strong, weak, voiced, sharp.

With pain in the back, the man may not always move freely, to bend, to move.

This circumstance contributes to the moral and physical discomfort. Many disadvantages it brings, and pulling back pain.

The cause and location of pulling the back pain

The spine

Pulling back pain often localizes in the lumbar region or in the lower part of the back. In some cases, the pain may occur in the side of the area. The pain that occurs in the back can be primary or secondary.

Primary occurs as a result of the destructive changes of the vertebrae, the intervertebral discs, a malfunction of the muscles and connective tissues. In the category of primary headaches in the back lead to chronic disorders of the development of the posture, sedentary lifestyle, age changes, excessive exercise.

The secondary causes of pain may be injury, tumor, inflammatory or other pathological processes arising from disease of the kidneys, urinary tract, sexual dysfunction, diseases of the heart, the organs of respiration, intercostal neuralgia. Secondary pain occurs again, or they may occur systematically during a long period of time.

Throw the pain in the back, depending on the location, are different symptoms:

  • pulling sharp pain in the area of the waist, which is characterized by being shot in the leg or in the arm, often indicates an injury of the spine. Normally, this type of pain has acquisition of nature: first, the feeling of pain have slightly pronounced, then the pain occurs more frequently, more strongly, are distributed throughout the lumbar area;
  • when the deformation of the individual vertebrae, with the aches, that are localized in the sector of the destructively, in development of the vertebral column. When you produce this by pulling back pain in the department, where it produces the wrong development. The vertebrae can bulge and have unnatural operation. The pain can also extend into the lumbar;
  • the growing burst the pain is worse with movement of one side of the column, the other could be the symptom of an inflammatory process in the muscles of the back. The process (myositis) can be accompanied by swelling and redness in the focus of the inflammation;
  • pull the pain, that appear in the sacred department of the vertebral column, characterized by a limitation of mobility, with the involvement of the joints of the spine. The spine becomes shorter, little by little the pain and the limitation of the motor function is intensified. The symptoms are a feature of the disease behtereva.

In addition to the breaches of the development of the spine, bone and muscular tissues of the back, the pain can be the cause of the violation of work of the internal organs:

  • in the cardiovascular system. Pulling the pain that occurs in the lower part of the back to the left, often, you can give testimony about the violation of labour in the cardiovascular system. More severe pain, which can be a sign of ischemia, the possible evolution of the disease before infarction, is produced by the sternum, they give in the area of the scapula of the back, in the left hand;
  • the respiratory system. Pneumonia is caused by the pain of the left side of the back. This occurs due to damage in the lower part of the pleura.

Other disorders of work of the internal organs can also cause pulling of headaches: the inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs, of the disease of the ureter, the violation of functioning of the intestine, the disease of the kidney, internal genital organs, the cancer tumor processes.

During pregnancy due to a load in the back and compressions fruit nearby organs and vessels arise often pull the pain in the lumbar area.

The consequences of pulling the back pain

The woman

It should be understood, when the pain is a pathological symptom of the development of organs, muscles or the bone structure of the vertebrae. Especially fraught with pain, that occurs as a result of oncological diseases. The appearance of pulling pain, especially appears constantly, is reason to call a doctor.

It is the most important thing, you should identify the cause that produces the pain in the back. The elimination of the causes of the syndrome of pain in the back, would pull the sensations of pain.

If this is not pulling the back pain, may exacerbate the development of diseases that cause the discomfort. In cases, destructive development of the vertebral column it is possible the proliferation of bone tissue, the violation of work of the internal organs.

When the inflammatory processes possible the defeat of the neighbors of the systems of the body. Any pain it is necessary to try. When the pain is acute, prolonged and constant, which recalls the same, you should avoid physical exercise for the back.

Solution of pulling the back pain

Pulling the pain that occurs in the back, do not pass right away on the first visit to the doctor. Often, the holistic treatment is a long process, especially if they relate to the violation of the structure of the spinal, the cartilage tissues of the spine.

The first aid

The first aid aches and pains in the back area you should take the lying position. If there is a sharp pain in the back, you can try yourself to cut off the pain syndrome, and then consult your doctor.

In injuries of the spine first aid consists of actions that can facilitate the state:

  • should lie on a firm mattress;
  • the place of the injury (if there is no violation of the epidermis) to make a pillow with the ice not more than ten minutes. This will result in the removal of edema and the solution of the stretching of the muscles;
  • you can use ice massage, which should be performed several times a day.

Important! Damage to the spine can be the cause of development of pathological processes in the vertebrae, therefore, after the injury, you should consult a doctor. Independent of the manipulation occurs when the back pain may not always be effective due to the incorrect determination of the cause of the appearance of pain syndromes. With a strong injury in some cases, it is necessary to fully constrain motor of the spinal column and to draw the attention of health.

If the pain occur of systematic form, they disappear and appear again, this trend can be attributed to the chronic. Only the medical act, the intervention can help to cure this type of pain.


The pain

As a general rule, when you are sharpening especially pulling the pain occurs the need to take medications for the pain. Reduce the inflammatory processes and to resolve the acute and intolerable pain can be with the help of ointments, gels with anti-inflammatory effect and analgesic action.

The tools help alleviate the pain in a given moment. As a general rule, you should systematically the use of this drug to relieve the pain. In this period should not give rise to any type of physical exercise.

However, it should be understood that the solution of pain syndrome does not contribute to the solution of the cause pulling pain in the back, the outrage of the syndrome of pain silences the alarm of the body of a rape on the body.

The surgical treatment

The causes of trains of back pain is often resolved with the help of medications for the treatment curative gymnastics, massage and other means of non-surgical.

Cases in which is necessary an operation, are analyzed separately and they belong to the category of chronic shooting pains.

The directions to the quick intervention by systematically appears or not that happens a syndrome painful of the back are:

  • constant sharp pains in the back, that will not pass because of conservative treatment;
  • scoliosis of the spine (juvenile, progressive);
  • a herniated disc in the deterioration, which is caused by the compression of the vertebrae, root of nerve endings;
  • the tumor or a hernia in the spine;
  • unstable in the development of the vertebral column.

In most of the diseases of the internal systems of the body, which lead to pulling pain in the back, the operation is not necessary: the treatment is performed with the help of medications.

Home remedies

The use of the media is shown to relieve the pain by pulling of the nature as a result of inflammatory processes in the muscles and superficial tissues of the back.

With the help of the plant components and organic media can be prepared packs, which help not only to relax the muscles of the back, but they can relieve pain, reduce inflammation, relieve swelling:

  • compress with honey, clay blue and scarlet will help you eliminate the pain of herniated intervertebral disc or osteochondrosis;
  • when radiculitis helps the clay with vinegar;
  • the incense and the apple cider vinegar — extraction of acute pain;
  • the leaves and roots of radish help to relieve the acute pulling pain;
  • mustard, deposited greased back honey help to remove the pain and the inflammation.

The traditional medicine will help you put on foot in the unbearable back pain, and is also effective in the combined treatment. The use of the tools popular treatment, must be agreed with the doctor.



Lfk the most effective method to eliminate pain in the spine. Therapeutic exercise, should be done only under the prescription of a specialist, since in some cases it is not valid to perform the exercises will not only intensive, but in the uniform of tranquility.

When pulling the back pain exercises most common in the supine position.

When this is done:

  • flexion and extension of the legs;
  • the breeding of the feet in the parties;
  • the breeding of the knees
  • the realization of exercises with the help of a roller.

Important! If the exercises lead to tolerance to the pain sensations, it should suspend its execution. It is not worth performing the exercises of jerking or sudden movements: this application will not give rise to a result, and you can only increase the pain.

Massage and self-massage

The massage can also be assigned to the pulling pain in the back. The inclusion of massage in the treatment is only done once the diagnosis of the disease, as well as, in some cases, it is absolutely contraindicated in:

  • tuberculosis;
  • in the cases of oncology;
  • high blood pressure;
  • when acute inflammatory processes.

The massage should be performed by qualified personnel. He can advise you about methods of self-massage that can be carried out, regardless of the house when pain occurs.

Therefore, pull the back pain may not be by itself: they are a sign of pathological processes in the spinal column, the muscle tissue in the internal organs of the body. Pull the pain may be temporary in nature, and can escape in the chronic form is run.

To temporarily work around the pulling intolerable pain can be with the help of medications, remedies, but to completely eliminate the pain syndrome (the removal of the cause of its appearance), a doctor should be consulted. With the help of the techniques of medical diagnosis to determine the source of the pain.

Complete the treatment with medications, the massage, the therapist will help you cure the disease, which causes pain. In some cases, it is possible for the surgical intervention. By eliminating the cause, the patient is going to get rid of the symptoms.